Monday 5 November 2007

With Fellow Candidates

One of the good things about being a candidate is the interaction with others who have been selected to fight a seat and who will hopefully end up as colleagues in the House when we are all elected!
Last week I had two opportunities to meet up. The first was a social event with Theresa May after Theresa and I had attended a meeting in Rugby with RoSA. This was a joint event with Nuneaton and North Warwickshire Associations when Simon Rouse candidate for Nuneaton and Dan Byles candidate for North Warwickshire were present. The second was a speech made by David Cameron in his constituency of Witney on Thursday when candiates were with him on the stage. The significance of Thursday was that day would have been the date of the General Election, had Brown not bottled it and when many of the candidates could have expected to have become MPs. The benefit of meeting othe candidates at events like these is the opportunity to compare notes and share ideas and good practice. It was good to get together to make sure we are all on the right lines.