Monday 12 February 2007

A new role...

Politicians often spend some time accompanying people in other walks of life or spending time in other people’s shoes. Perhaps one of the most effective was Michael Portillo’s stint as an Asda checkout worker, shown on TV. When I was the candidate in Nuneaton I spent a Friday night shift with the Police in the town centre and some time at the local Hospital. I learnt a great deal from both experiences.
This week I’m having a go at being a single parent. Tracy is in Cornwall, looking after her father who has just has an operation. I’m holding the fort at home looking after our three children still at home while trying to keep my work appointments and get to meetings. Not easy; I’m already chasing my tail and it’s only Monday! The difficulties faced by single parents are often not appreciated and by the end of the week I expect to have an idea of how hard it must be for someone to bring up children on their own.