Sunday 21 March 2010

The Internet Election?

Much has been made about the new campaigning techniques facilitated by the internet, used extensively by Obama in 2008 and being taken up by the parties here. I have been runnig this blog for a good while and have recently revamped my website. However, I've long felt that there is no real alternative to meeting potential voters face to face and so I was interested to read this article by Andrew Rawnsley in today's Observer in which he concludes "success will belong to those who...pound the pavements, knock on doors and get among voters in the real (world)." As a candidate for three and a quarter years, with twice weekly phone or doorstep canvassing sessions, out on doorsteps every Saturday, making visits to local businesses and organisations, and with a regular town centre stall, I reckon to have made contact with around 15,000 of the voters in Rugby constituency - an average of 90 voters a week over 165 weeks. Over that time I've spoken with people about a huge variety of issues both local and national and I've seen attitudes change as the news agenda has changed. I believe this contact with people individually has given me a good understanding of people's priorities and what they expect from their next MP.