Monday 13 April 2009

Easter Weekend Smear Revelations

I have been following the revelations of Labour's blogging proposals with interest. On a daily basis I read Conservative Home, Iain Dale and Guido Fawkes, and so the personalities & issues involved are very familiar to me. It seems to me that the “blog sphere” is just another area where Labour doesn’t get it and where in trying to build a presence they have just got it completely wrong. In doing so, they have offended many innocent people who deserve the greatest sympathy, apology and recompense. In any organisation, responsibility ends at the top and I can’t believe that Gordon Brown was unaware of what was happening in his office. The revelations of who they intended to smear, and how, have caused me to ask myself the question whether I want to subject myself and my family to the risk of this kind of personal attack. On balance the answer has to be a firm yes because I want to play my part in ensuring that there will be a better future for our children and there is so much to be done, but there are times when anyone could be forgiven for wondering whether it is all worth it.