Our first Shadow Cabinet Minister to join us in Rugby was Andrew Mitchell who has responsibility for overseas development. I got to know Andrew during the two visits that I made to Rwanda when he led our party. It was logical to ask Andrew to help publicise a further appeal that I am making for additional football shirts to send over. A number of shirts have arrived over the past few weeks and we are looking for more to make up a batch for use by both children and organised teams. We will have a stall in Rugby town centre on Tuesday 20th April from 3pm to 4.30pm so that they may be donated after school so if anyone has a shirt they have grown out of or where the sponsor has changed & the shirt is no longer wearable here we know how to put it to good use. Our Association Chariman, Mike Stokes who is holding the Brazil shirt and I will be pleased to recieve them. We though it was a good move to give Andrew the bllue one!