I am sad to hear of the death at the weekend of Councillor Ron Ravenhall. Ron and I served together as Councillors in a three member ward with Bill Shields for Dunchurch & Knightlow at Rugby Borough Council between 2002 and 2007. Ron started off his political life as a Conservative and joined the Liberal Democrats in the 1980s. Despite different political allegiances I always found Ron supportive and helpful while I was looking to establish my political career. I recall his contributions on Planning Committee where he spoke with great authority. My fondest memories of our work together revolve around the campaign, led by Gordon Collett, to oppose Government plans for an International Airport at Church Lawford. Ron was keen to ensure that I played a full role and often insisted that I spoke early in the various meetings we held in churches around the affected area. He had a big impact in both the Council Chamber in Rugby and in the community more widely and he will be missed.