Saturday, 1 August 2009
Reflections on Teaching
I am now back in Kigali, where there is a better internet connection, waiting for our flight back to the UK. I thouroughly enjoyed my time with my class and hope that the language exercises we worked on will have improved their English. The teachers take a number of subjects which have been taught in French up to now. A change of policy by the Rwandan Government, wishing to align itself with English speaking East Africa and the Commonwealth is the reason for the programme we have been involved in. Yesterday we held a closing ceremony with each class presenting a song. My class chose "Old MacDonald had a farm", and had great fun with the farmyard noises. I was later presented with some superb gifts which will remind me of my time with them. While we worked to a lesson plan, there was room to work on issues that interested the students, and I had a fair amount of preparation to do each evening. I now have a healthy respect for the job all teachers do and an understanding of how difficult the role can sometimes be!