I have spent the past two days at the design enquiry considering ideas for development of the mast site. This is a pre planning application workshop with interested parties coming together to consider what's best both for the site and the area as a whole. I was impresseed by the open and inclusive approach which is being led by the landowner and its development partner and consultants. The mast site is a massive development to the east of Rugby plannned to take 20 years which will bring 6,200 new homes and 30 hectares of employment space and will have a huge impact here. The aim is to create a sustainable and attractive extension to the urban area and ensure that the town enjoys the economic benefits this can bring. In my view the key to the success of this project is all about transport links to the town centre, making sure that the new spending power stays in Rugby but without clogging up existing road links and affecting the quaility of life of existing residents. It's fair to say that Rugby doesn't want new development on this scale. Government policy through the Regional Spatial Strategy has imposed it and we are left with no alternative, so the challenge now is to ensure that Rugby gets the best possible development which will be an asset to the town. From the process I saw at the Design Enquiry, it seems that collectively we are seing the best chance of achieving that. There is a useful website for people who want to find out more and follow progress at
http://www.radiostationvision.com/the-site and there is also an opportunity for local people to register to vist the design enquiry this weekend to see for themselves. Councillors Lawrence and Sewell are looking at part of the exhibition, itself taking place on the site in a transmitter hall which will be retained and has many opportunities for use as new public building.