On Thursday our postponed seminar took place with about 25 people from various businesses in the town at the Conservative Party offices. I started with a short speech. (under the watchful eye of Sir Winston) covering our approach to the recession and the difference from the Governments handling over the past few months. I then spoke about my own experience guiding my own business through two recessions and the lessons I learnt, before opening up a general discussion. We covered the loss of manufacturing from Rugby; business rates and the BID levy to town centre retailers; the current attitude of the banks; the effect of the decline in sterling against the euro; the cost of regulation on business; the current state of the housing market & how it is integral to the current situation; the zero impact of the vat change;how businesses can support each other. I shall be preparing a summary document pulling together the thoughts and experiences of those present and got a great deal from the event. I hope those attending also did so.