I spent two days last week with Managers and Staff at our local Hospital. I have lived most of my life in Rugby and have attended the hospital both as a patient and a parent. Like the vast majority of people in Rugby I am a great supporter of St. Cross and I am keen to see as many services retained here as possible. I wanted to understand the full range of services that are offered, and so I asked whether I might spend some time on site. I visited every department and was able to see at first hand the services that are provided and meet the staff involved in their delivery. There is some fantastic work going on there and a real sense of teamwork and dedication by staff to provide the best to patients. I learnt, amongst other things about the expertise St. Cross has developed in Orthopaedics; about the specialist work being done in the Diabetes Centre and in Retinal Screening; about the work in the Regional Bowel Screening Hub. I was also shown how the various departments work together to provide the right level of care to meet the needs of patients. It is a fact of life that politicians will always be involved in the delivery of healthcare. I wanted to make sure that when I speak about care in Rugby, I appreciate how it is delivered and the part St. Cross has to play. When it comes to ensuring that St. Cross continues to serve the people here in the way it has done for years, there will be no greater advocate than myself.