As part of my appeal for soccer shirts for Rwanda, I have now visited several schools. On Friday, I went to my old school, Lawrence Sheriff, and spoke to full school assembly, around 600 students, in what is for me the new sports hall. This was probably my biggest local audience who listened attentively, no doubt due to the presence of school masters in the aisles. However, it was nice to discover that the place hasn't lost it's sense of irreverence. As I left, unaware that I was behind him, one of the older lads called across to his mate, "Hey, Noel, didn't you think that was a waste of time!" I thanked him for his support to which he replied, "Well you did take a while to get to your point!" Perhaps a fair observation & a general one that I should remember in preparing speeches. Anyway, I look forward to receiving his shirt to send over to Africa.