When I was in Rwanda, I met several groups of people who asked me if I could help their oganisation or group. I also became aware of the enthusiasm for football and in particular the English Premier league. On one occasion, the way I was able to relate to someone I met was by pointing to the Liverpool shirt he was wearing and talking about the team; I also saw "Arsenal" & "Man Utd", signwritten on trucks (not graffitti!) and of course kids play the game everywhere. So I offered to send over some shirts my children used to wear and that thought developed into an appeal to send over a decent quantity. Following an article in a local paper, I have been overwhelmed by the number of offers I have receieved with many generous people keen to see shirts they no longer want being sent to those who will appreciate them. This is developing into something bigger than I had anticipated so I'm now working on a way to get them to Africa and distributed beyond the groups I met. I know just how much pleasure each of these shirts will give to people who currently have very little.