Despite "Yellow Saturday" and the cancellation of the General Election we've carried on campaigning. With darker, colder nights we've started talking to voters on the phone, but on Saturdays we're still out and about, even if it is raining. On Saturday we were in Binley Woods, a village where I spent my first 17 years and where my parents had 3 separate homes as my 5 younger brothers came along and our family grew. It was great to be recognised on the doorstep by people who knew me when I was in short trousers! Binley Woods is much closer to Coventry than Rugby and so the issues there are different to other parts of the constituency. However two matters that came up on several occasions were the continued noise from jets taking off from nearby Bagington airport and the nuisance caused by the illegal riding of motorcycles in Brandon Wood. The airport has been established for many years and has recently expanded and the best that can happen is for further expansion to be contained. There has been a concreted effort by the Police to deal with the motorcycles where Cllr Heather Timms who was out with me has done sterling work. I rember the woods fondly from my time as child when my "gang" used to build our dens there. It is a great shame that a few people showing a lack of respect for authority are ruining a wonderful resouce which should be safely enjoyed by the majority. Unfortunately, that's something which happens all too often and when it does we must ensure that the Police have the manpower and resources to deal with it.