Today is day 3 and I sense people here getting more upbeat as the conference progresses with the tax proposals launched by George Osbourne yesterday being the key. I attended two events where David Cameron spoke; he was entusiastic and positive at each and knows that he has to be on really good form tomorrow to deliver the second speech of his life. I am confident he will and we will all leave raring to go, whether or not we find ourselves fighting a General Election this time next week. With this fantastic Rugby team all fired up, the people of Rugby can expect the Conservatives to be busy and working hard across the entire constituency.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Rugby at the Conference
Today is day 3 and I sense people here getting more upbeat as the conference progresses with the tax proposals launched by George Osbourne yesterday being the key. I attended two events where David Cameron spoke; he was entusiastic and positive at each and knows that he has to be on really good form tomorrow to deliver the second speech of his life. I am confident he will and we will all leave raring to go, whether or not we find ourselves fighting a General Election this time next week. With this fantastic Rugby team all fired up, the people of Rugby can expect the Conservatives to be busy and working hard across the entire constituency.