I have just returned from a presentation by David Cameron at CCHQ in which he set out a statement of Conservative values. (Picture “borrowed” from ConservativeHome) The full speech is
here, but the key points I took away were how a Conservative Government will support the family, provide opportunity and personal freedom for all, giving people control over their lives. He referred to the work of our policy groups setting how these objectives will be achieved, and contrasted this approach with the top down, state knows best philosophy of Gordon Brown. He also had fun with Brown’s citizen’s juries saying that parents & families already know what’s needed. I sat with a number of other candidates, all of whom were clearly enthused what they heard. We have supported the move to the centre ground because it the right thing to do and it is where elections are lost and won, and this statement of principles enables us to point to clear differences between us and Labour. Expect more of the same over coming months.