Friday, 27 March 2009
Western Relief Road
Childrens Centre
Monday, 23 March 2009
Alun's Memorial

I took the opportunity to look out the memorial to my schoolfriend, Alun Williams, who is remembered by a plaque at the ground. Alun was one of the nicest guys ever but who was so unfortunate with his health. I have always associated Alun with Twickenham ever since, despite having both Welsh parents and the most Welsh name, he played there for England Schoolboys against Wales in 1972.
I had thought his plaque was in the wall of fame and was surprised to find it on the ground in the walk of fame! A fitting tribute to a great player and brilliant person and now that I know where it is in the stadium, I will remember to visit each time I'm down for the game.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Rugby's Football Shirts in Rwanda
Credit Union
Yesterday evening I attended the AGM of Rugby Credit Union. This is a voluntary body who provides savings & loan facilities to Rugby people generally but targetted at those who might otherwise be forced to use doorstep lenders. The Credit Union charges loan interest at 1% per month equivalent to 12.7% APR. By contrast we were shown an advertisment for another loan provider where the APR is 189.2%. So the work carried out is a valuable service within the community and has a method of working where people are helping one another. Loans are granted to those with a record of saving with the Credit Union and so a sound approach to personal finance is encouraged. I was impressed with the work that is being done in the tought economic times such we face today and wish the team there well.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Open Source Software
Locality Panels
During the past week I have attended two of rugby’s locality panel meetings. Locality panels are held by Ward County Councillors and local Police to discuss matters of concern within the use smaller geographical units. I am very familiar with the style of these meetings as I used to attend those of Dunchurch divisional panel in my time as a Rugby Borough Councillor. I attended Rugby Town West panel which covers Overslade, Caldecott and Bilton last week and yesterday I was at Rugby Town North covering Newbold, Brownsover and Benn. The agendae were similar, and covered topical issues, in this case the new refuse and recycling arrangements, current developments, and then followed a report from the Police. In addition the Police are looking for a guide from the community as to the priorities they would like to see intended to. In each case I was able to get a good feel of what is happening in each area and what residents would like to see done. In many ways it is a great pity that not more of the public are unable to attend.
That's better!

Law School Forum
On Thursday I joined a group of final year law students at the University of Warwick who held a forum concerning the rights of older people in care homes. They are looking at the Security of tenure for older people in private care and the possibility of extending human rights legislation to ensure that they are not forced to leave. A forum involving specialist speakers followed by a general debate took place. Some convincing statistics showing a high number of deaths immediately after the closure of a care home were presented and the issue is how this might be avoided. The forum itself was very interesting, although dominated by the very strong personality of a lawyer who has been involved defending the rights of older people. I was not convinced that the extension of the human rights act into this area is the solution to the problem. It seems to me that particularly in relation to local authority care homes, it is vital that procedures should be in place to ensure that proper inadequate care is given to vulnerable residents if a closure becomes necessary.
Friday, 13 March 2009
Bulkington boxing club
Rugby cement plant engagement stakeholder meeting
The meeting I attended on Tuesday evening was one of several with the intention of setting up a future engagement process. Unfortunately the recent meetings of this group have led to very little progress and as a result The Environment Council, who are a charity whose goal is to “help society deliver the best outcomes to the most challenging sustainability issues through ensuring we and others apply the right engagement strategies” have been invited to assist with setting up new ways of working. I found the exercise very interesting with highly professional facilitators trying to make progress in the group who up to now have been unable to agree on a way forward. Their approach was to avoid conflict by getting the participants to agree on a way forward “for now” under headings that people present “could live with”. While the meeting was very lengthy (4 hours!), I did feel that the basis of a way forward was provided. However it also seemed to me that while the Environment Council people were present, they acted as a driving instructor in a car with an inexperienced driver. The test will be what happens when the instructor leaves and the driver is left on his own.
Monday, 9 March 2009
Literary Lunch
Typing Update
A few months ago I started at Rugby College on a course designed to improve my typing skills. I'm afraid my attendance record isn’t the best attend and have so far only managed to get up to 17 words per minute which is little better than the one fingered approach I used before starting the course. I aim to continue with the course but in the meantime to try and get more done, I have just bought voice recognition software which I am using for this posting. So far it seems pretty good and I am able to get words down on paper much faster than I will ever be able to type. I'm also sure that the software will help tremendously when it comes to preparing for speeches and presentations. I'll give an update about how I get on!
Rugby’s cement plant
Friends of Grammar Schools
A busy evening on Tuesday meant that I was unable to attend a reception held by Friends of Grammar Schools. In Rugby we have two excellent grammar schools and as a former pupil of one of them, I am a strong supporter of grammar schools where they exist. I believe they provide a high quality of education and provide an opportunity to bright and capable children from all backgrounds. More details of this organisation are available at
Friday, 6 March 2009
The Rugby Network Breakfast
Last Friday I joined a well attended meeting of the Rugby Branch of the Federation of Small Business. As a former small business owner I was at home with entrepreneurs with an opportunity to network followed by a presentation. This month’s topic was by Rosie & Ken Barfoot of Training for Results and covered different modes of thinking and identifying different groups. It was no surprise to me to find myself in the analytical & structure group which represents my approach to running and organising! I enjoyed also talking with people present about how their businesses are responding to the current climate but wasn’t so sure about the 7am start which took me straight back to the days of running my business. The FSB have an excellent website with a report of the meeting and details of their forthcoming events at
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